Discover Italy’s Coolest Interior Design Startups Italy hosts a dynamic startup ecosystem, particularly in the field of interior design where creativity and
Understanding the future of neurological disease treatment necessitates taking a close look at the work of innovative startups in the biopharmaceutical sector.
“`html Key Takeaways: Orobix is an Italian startup that manages the lifecycle of AI solutions across various industries. The company offers its
Cоuld Есо-Friеndlу Vеhicle Autonomy Revolutionise the Еurореаn Mаnufасturing Industrу? A Frеnch stаrtuр cаllеd Sуmbio Fсеll sееks tо unrаvеl this riddlе with its
Key Takeaways: BOOSTHEAT is a French startup manufacturing a heat pump fuelled by natural gas, promising to halve household energy bills and
Key Takeaways: Izneo, a Paris-based startup, is digitizing the graphic novel industry, offering a comprehensive platform for comics, manga, webtoons, and other
Key Takeaways: PathoQuest is a Paris-based startup focusing on improving pathogen detection through using a metagenomics approach. This next-generation sequencing (NGS) based
Key Takeaways: Brno-based startup SANEZOO uses robotics and 3D technology to improve accuracy and speed in industrial manufacturing The company’s intelligent robots
Key Takeaways: TagPicker, a startup based in Czech Republic, is revolutionizing e-commerce with interactive images. The company’s software turns ordinary images into
Key Takeaways: Sewio is a Czech-based company providing real-time location platforms integrated across different areas such as Industry 4.0, retail, and sport.