Advertising Opportunities with EU Startup News

EU Startup News is the leading platform for discovering the most promising startups and investment opportunities in the European Union. Our highly engaged audience of entrepreneurs, investors, and startup enthusiasts is always on the lookout for the latest trends and opportunities in the EU startup scene. We offer a range of advertising opportunities to help brands reach this valuable audience and get noticed in the competitive tech industry.

Sponsor our ‘Best’ Startup Competitions

Use case: As a brand that wants to gain exposure and recognition, sponsoring our ‘Best’ Startup Competitions helps you support emerging businesses and promote your brand to our highly engaged audience. It’s a great opportunity to gain recognition as a business that supports innovative startups.

Summary: Sponsoring our ‘Best’ Startup Competitions highlight the most innovative startups in the EU across a range of industries. We offer a range of sponsorship packages that can be customized to suit your needs and budget.


  • Gain recognition and exposure for your brand
  • Reach highly engaged audience of entrepreneurs, investors, and startup enthusiasts
  • Promote your brand as a supporter of emerging businesses
  • Customizable sponsorship packages to suit your needs and budget


  • Provide a sponsorship fee
  • Provide brand assets (logo, banners, etc.) to be used in promotions
  • Agree to sponsorship package terms and conditions

Timeline: Determined by competition schedule

How it works: Email us at [email protected] to express interest. We will provide sponsorship packages and the opportunity to customize them to fit your needs.

Sponsored Articles

Use case: As a brand that wants to establish thought leadership and stand out in the crowded tech industry, sponsored articles provide an opportunity to share your message with our audience.

Summary: Our team of experts can help you create high-quality, informative articles that showcase your brand and help you stand out in the crowded tech industry.


  • Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry
  • Share your message with our highly engaged audience
  • Customizable articles to fit your brand’s unique needs
  • Promote your brand to investors, entrepreneurs, and startup enthusiasts


  • Provide an article fee
  • Work with our team of experts to create a high-quality article
  • Agree to article terms and conditions

Timeline: Determined by article schedule

How it works: Email us at [email protected] to express interest. We will work with you to create a high-quality article that resonates with our readers and highlights your unique value proposition.

Founder Interviews

Use case: As a brand that wants to share your story and promote your brand to our audience, founder interviews offer a unique opportunity to establish thought leadership and showcase your expertise.

Summary: Our founder interviews provide insights into the challenges and opportunities facing startups in the EU. By participating in our founder interviews, you can share your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


  • Share your story and promote your brand to our audience
  • Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry
  • Show insights into the challenges and opportunities facing startups in the EU


  • Work with our team of experts to set up and conduct the interview
  • Agree to interview terms and conditions

Timeline: Determined by interview schedule

How it works: Email us at [email protected] to express interest. We will set up and conduct an interview that provides insights into your unique perspective and experience as a founder.

Thought Leadership Articles

Use case: As a brand that wants to establish thought leadership and get noticed by our audience, thought leadership articles provide an opportunity to share your unique perspective and insights into the latest trends and developments in the tech industry.

Summary: Our thought leadership articles are an excellent way to establish yourself as an expert in your field and get noticed by our audience. Our team of experts can help you create high-quality, informative articles that resonate with our readers and highlight your unique value proposition.


  • Establish yourself as an expert in your field
  • Get noticed by our audience of entrepreneurs, investors, and startup enthusiasts
  • Share your unique perspective on the latest trends and developments in the tech industry
  • Promote your brand and services to a wider audience


  • Provide an article fee
  • Work with our team of experts to create a high-quality article
  • Agree to article terms and conditions

Timeline: Determined by article schedule

How it works: Email us at [email protected] to express interest. We will work with you to create a high-quality thought leadership article that resonates with our readers and highlights your unique perspective and expertise.

Product Reviews

Use case: As a brand that wants to establish credibility and generate leads for your business, product reviews provide an opportunity to showcase your products and highlight their unique features and benefits to our audience.

Summary: Our team of experts can provide in-depth reviews of your products, highlighting their unique features and benefits. By participating in our product reviews, you can establish credibility for your brand and generate leads for your business.


  • Showcase your products to a wider audience
  • Establish credibility for your brand
  • Generate leads for your business
  • Highlight unique features and benefits of your products


  • Provide a product for review
  • Agree to review terms and conditions

Timeline: Determined by review schedule

How it works: Email us at [email protected] to express interest. We will review your product and provide an in-depth review that highlights its unique features and benefits.

Software Reviews

Use case: As a software provider that wants to establish credibility and generate leads for your business, software reviews provide an opportunity to showcase your software and highlight its unique features and benefits to our audience.

Summary: Our team of experts can provide in-depth reviews of your software, highlighting its unique features and benefits. By participating in our software reviews, you can establish credibility for your brand and generate leads for your business.


  • Showcase your software to a wider audience
  • Establish credibility for your brand
  • Generate leads for your business
  • Highlight unique features and benefits of your software


  • Provide a software for review
  • Agree to review terms and conditions

Timeline: Determined by review schedule

How it works: Email us at [email protected] to express interest. We will review your software and provide an in-depth review that highlights its unique features and benefits.

Newsletter Sponsorship

Use case: As a brand that wants to promote your brand, products, and services to our highly engaged subscribers, newsletter sponsorship provides a highly effective way to reach our audience on a regular basis.

Summary: Our newsletter sponsorships include display ads, sponsored content, and exclusive promotions. We can work with you to create custom campaigns that meet your specific marketing goals and target the right audience.


  • Promote your brand, products, and services to our highly engaged subscribers
  • Highly effective way to reach our audience on a regular basis
  • Customizable campaigns that meet your specific marketing goals and target the right audience
  • Reach our audience with display ads, sponsored content, and exclusive promotions


  • Provide a sponsorship fee
  • Provide brand assets (logo, banners, etc.) to be used in promotions
  • Agree to sponsorship package terms and conditions

Timeline: Determined by newsletter schedule

How it works: Email us at [email protected] to express interest. We will work with you to create custom campaigns that meet your specific marketing goals and target the right audience with display ads, sponsored content, and exclusive promotions.

Other Opportunities

In addition to the above opportunities, we offer other advertising opportunities to help you reach our audience and promote your brand. These include display ads, social media promotions, video ads, and more. We can work with you to create custom campaigns that meet your specific marketing goals and budget.


  • Reach our highly engaged audience through multiple advertising channels
  • Customizable campaigns that meet your specific marketing goals and budget
  • Promote your brand through display ads, social media promotions, video ads, and more


  • Provide a fee
  • Agree to advertising terms and conditions

Timeline: Determined by advertising schedule

How it works: Email us at [email protected] to express interest. We will work with you to create custom campaigns that meet your specific marketing goals and budget using a variety of advertising channels.

Contact EU Startup News

EU Startup News is a media company dedicated to covering the most innovative startups and emerging trends in the tech industry. We also cover Venture Capital portfolio strategies, financial investments and economic cycles, mainly within the European Union markets. If you are interested in advertising opportunities or would like to contact our executive team, please use the following email addresses:

For advertising opportunities, please email us at [email protected]. We offer a range of advertising options to help your brand reach our highly engaged audience.

To contact the executive team, please email [email protected]. Our team is always happy to hear from readers, investors, and entrepreneurs looking to connect with us.