Promotion & Sponsored Articles: Reach Thousands of Professionals with

Welcome to EU Startup News – the premier platform that connects startup founders, investors, and C-level executives across Europe. Each month, we reach 30,000 to 50,000 dedicated readers and achieve over 100,000 page views.

Join our dynamic network of innovators and decision-makers. Leverage our platform to amplify your startup story, secure investment opportunities, and create buzz around your products and services.

Boost your visibility with Sponsored Articles and Partnerships!

Why Choose EU Startup News?

Our platform caters to a highly engaged, niche audience. Over 50% of our readers are aged between 18 and 34 – the new generation of entrepreneurial thought leaders. They come to EU Startup News for insights, advice, and the latest startup news in Europe.

By choosing us, you place your content in front of startup founders, investors, and C-level executives who can make a difference to your business.

Join forces with us, and we’ll deliver your brand’s message to our vast network.

Our Audience

We have a robust audience that spans across Europe, with the vast majority being startup founders, investors, and C-level executives. Here is a breakdown of our audience demographics:

Age GroupPercentageDescription
18 – 3450%+Young entrepreneurs and professionals actively involved in startups, seeking the latest news, insights, and opportunities.
35 – 5435%Seasoned professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors who play vital roles in the European startup ecosystem.
55+15%Experienced business leaders and investors, keen on funding and supporting innovative startup ideas.
Startup Founders45%Innovators and entrepreneurs driving the European startup scene. They’re actively seeking partnerships, investments, and opportunities for exposure.
Investors25%Venture capitalists, angel investors, and private equity professionals seeking the next big thing in the European startup landscape.
C-Level Executives30%Decision-makers and influencers in various industries, keeping a pulse on fresh business ideas and ventures.
Based in Europe90%+Our core readership, actively engaged in the startup ecosystem within Europe, spanning various industries.
International<10%Global investors and entrepreneurs keen on European startup developments, looking for cross-border partnerships and opportunities.

Reach out to this promising audience and propel your startup to new heights. Don’t miss this chance to connect with the best and brightest of Europe’s startup ecosystem.

Get in touch at [email protected] today and let’s start this journey together!

Sponsored Articles

Imagine your startup’s story on the homepage of EU Startup News, being read by tens of thousands of Europe’s most influential startup enthusiasts. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

Our Sponsored Articles program is a powerful tool to gain significant exposure and reach potential investors, customers, and partners. We work closely with you to craft compelling narratives that align with your brand’s voice and values.

Book your spot today and let your story inspire thousands!


We believe in building relationships that go beyond one-time projects and provide continuous value to your startup. As a Partner, you’ll gain extensive coverage on our platform, and our editorial team will ensure your brand’s vision is communicated effectively to our audience.

Partnerships with EU Startup News are more than just promotion – they’re an opportunity for startups to form a lasting bond with our readership and grow alongside our platform.

Become a partner now and accelerate your growth with us!

Engaging with Our Community

EU Startup News boasts a vibrant community of over 2,000 LinkedIn followers and 1,000+ email subscribers. By partnering with us, your brand gains access to a community of potential investors, partners, and customers.

Don’t miss the chance to engage with our active community!

Ready to Get Started?

It’s time to elevate your brand and connect with the European startup ecosystem. Whether you’re looking to promote your brand, secure funding, or attract new customers, EU Startup News is the platform to achieve it all.

Contact us today at [email protected] to discuss your promotional needs and how we can bring your startup to the forefront of the European startup community.